Sunday, April 26, 2015

Texting with Strangers

Sometimes life rewards us in ways that are big and obvious. Other times the rewards are hard to recognize because they're seemingly small and ordinary. A mystery text from a local phone number, but no name, seems like a straight-up wrong number. But not if you text back as if you are the intended recipient.

Mystery Texter: Have a wedding to go to. Sounds great though. Probably more fun than the wedding.

It was a number I didn't recognize, apparently a reply to another social invitation from someone else. Depending on the day and my mood, I might have politely texted back that he'd mistexted me. But I was I bored, so when that happens, no one gets off that easy. I texted back something I thought was subtly provocative, but not outrageous.

Bored Me:  Weddings are worse than baby showers for a coworker.

Mystery Texter: Not if you will be the one needing to pick up her workload..... :) It is actually a wedding for Latino neighbors who were illegal here for 22 years. He got the green card and now they can finally marry "in the eyes of God." They have a 9 year old. I am expecting a very joyous event. Would rather skip the church part -- after shooting a bunch of catholic weddings in the past it got old. One thing for sure: at the reception Mexican food!

Holy crap. What kind of novel-length text would I have received if I texted something outrageous?
Still bored, I decided to go for provocative  *and* outrageous.

Bored Me: Can't get away with hiring a male stripper at most weddings, but coworker baby showers? Well, I'm the hero when I do that.

Mystery Texter: Ha ha ha...

Then silence. A day went by and no word from my new best friend. I had so many questions. What would he wear to the wedding? Did he have a toast ready? Did he think I was that pal he was trying to text? Did he know I was f*cking with him?!

Smartass Me: It's *always* nice to hear from you. Even if you have better things to do like a better-late-than-never church wedding. Who knows? Maybe Serendipity will reward me with something fun and unexpected in your absence.

Still waiting, Serendipity. Your move.

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