Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Daily Devotion

During the early days of my first semester of college, I would wake up to a new set of music lyrics scribbled on my white message board attached to my dorm room door. (Yes, I'm *that* f*#king old. I went to college before cell phones and email). A boy who lived in my dorm would wait until I was asleep, then leave his carefully chosen poetic lyrics from a well known song as a little gift for me to open every morning. It was sweet and surprisingly touching to a smartass girl prone to cynicism. This went on for a couple of weeks until we both found what we were looking for -- love. Him, with another girl. Me, with excessive quantities of beer.

A thousand years later, I still find it touching -- that little gesture of daily devotion. So, you can imagine my reaction when my friend, who is also in the mix of online dating, told me she has a lovesick lothario in Sri Lanka who sends her cheesy love poems twice a day -- every morning and every evening. So jealous! Where's *my* lovesick foreigner sending me mawkish poetry in broken English?!

It's that daily devotion demonstrated in small ways that really resonates with me. (I just eat that shit up.) It makes me feel that I'm remembered, that I matter to someone. Even if that someone is a goofball in Sri Lanka.


  1. ah, I remember seeing those notes... 8-)

    The Rev. Aldrich
