Saturday, November 17, 2012

He Ruined It For Me

Would it be whorish of me to go on another date with Heavy Metal just to get his chili recipe? It would, I know, but his gourmet turkey chili with kale has ruined all other chili for me. It was a cold, rainy day today, perfect weather for making my own turkey chili, which is pretty standard stuff, but I have always loved it. Until now. Damn it.

I could just ask him for the recipe, but I don't want to give him the idea that I'm interested in him and am using the recipe as a pretext for contacting him. I have a list of all of the 1,000 ingredients on a roll of paper similar to one of those five-foot-long royal proclamations unscrolled for a public reading. I may be able to figure out how to assemble the ingredients myself. What's funny to me is that, even though Heavy Metal annoyed the shit out of me on our last date (Five Dates in Five Days), I probably *would* ask him for the recipe and risk giving him the false impression that I like him, if I didn't have something starting up with someone else I really like. I guess that means I would be a whore for chili, if not for the moderating influence of another man. Usually adding another guy to the mix is the *cause* of whorish behavior, not the elimination of it.

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