Friday, August 24, 2012

Crisis! I-Rarely-Wear-Pants Changed His Opening Line

Evidently, "I rarely wear pants" is not a good come-hither opening line in an online dating profile. Yesterday Mr. I-Rarely-Wear-Pants changed his opening line to "In general, I'd rather be outside than inside, with a few conditions. I rarely wear long pants." BORING.

I could not let this travesty go without a little protest from me. (You're welcome.) So I sent him this plea:

Dear Rarely Pantsed,

You had me at "I rarely wear pants." Why did you change the best opening line of a dating profile ever? I hope this doesn't mean you wear jeggings all the time. I prefer to think you are not merely a semantics trickster, but are a true rebel fighting society's unreasonable oppression against the pantsless lifestyle.



1 comment:

  1. First we burn my pants, then we burn yours.... stevil kenevil.
