Monday, September 17, 2012

Perfectly Good Reasons To Turn Down an Online Invitation for a Coffee Date

1) He describes himself as "someone with pizazz who enjoys jazz."

2) Taxidermy is one of his hobbies.

3) He thinks "it would be cool to have a stalker."

4) He uses "your" when he should use "you're." Repeatedly.

5) His age randomly changes back and forth from 26 to 35.

6) Tuesdays With Morrie is his favorite book.

7)  He lists "the 6 things I could never live without" as:
air, food, water, sleep, shelter.
(Apparently, he can live without arithmetic and imagination though.)

8) He mentions "being in the company of beautiful women" at least twice in response to how he spends his free time. And nothing else.

9) His favorite tv shows are 60 Minutes and Murder, She Wrote.

10) To the question 'The first things people usually notice about me,' he answers, "I know everything, I never lie and I'm always right."

11) The 27-year-old guy who looks a lot like Topher Grace (but skinnier and more pale) and seems to think his dating profile is an Inside the Actor's Studio questionnaire, answering that famous last question thusly: If heaven exists, what would I like to hear God say when I arrive at the pearly gates?
"God will appear to me in the form of Ving Rhames. He will open his arms and say 'my nigga.' "

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